The whole purpose of Sidelick is to provide the pet best care there while the original pet parents are away. To serve this purpose, it is important to get to know the specificities of each mission and each pet in order to optimize fun and minimize health and safety risks. Here’s a list of themes and questions that you should always cover with pet parents before launching the mission.
You can download the questionnaire in order to print it and fill it at the following link.

A first contact with a dog and his pet parent will allow you to assess and identify potential issues.
– Does the pet:
♦ Have any health issues? (Allergies, eye condition, etc.)
♦ Follow a medical treatment? If yes, what is the schedule?
♦ Have a microchip?
♦ Have up to date vaccinations and preventive flea treatment?
– What is the emergency number to call in case the pet parent is not reachable?
You can call Sidelick on 81 655 441 or reach out to the PetAssist emergency hotline that was provided to you.
♦ What is the pet’s meal schedule?
♦ What is the pet’s sleep schedule?
♦ Where does the pet typically sleep?
♦ What’s their walk and exercise schedule?
♦ What is their bathroom schedule? Do they send any signs prior to that?
♦ Can the pet be left alone for short periods of time?

Some pet parents may be working on behavioral issues with their pets, such as food begging. It is your duty to get informed on the method chosen by the pet parent and to consistently apply it during your mission as well.
♦ Is your pet allowed to get treats?
♦ Does your pet like any game in particular? (fetch, tug of war, etc.)
– Training
♦ Does your pet beg for food?
♦ How do you reward good behavior?
♦ Does your pet have any atypical or specific behavior worth mentioning?
♦ Are there any breed specific oddities to be noted?
♦ Did your pet ever show any signs of food aggression or protectiveness towards his toys?
♦ Does your pet experience separation anxiety?
– Socialization
Is there anything specific to mention about the pet’s socialization?
How does the pet interact with:
♦ Children
♦ Dogs
♦ Cats
If you’re all set and have agreed on everything, congratulations. Make sure to remind pet parents to confirm the booking on the Sidelick platform in order to make it official and hence activate the pet insurance for the job.